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Event planning stress: how to cope with stress

It is hard to talk about stress and how much it might be affecting us. As an event planner or…

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managing stress for event managers

Ticketing for Events: What You Need to Know

20 Bedford Way have put together this simple guide to take you through the different pre-event registration and ticketing options…

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event ticketing guide

The Event Manager’s Guide to Managing Event Volunteers

“Every volunteer brings individual talents and as a manager it’s your job to draw these out – they learn new…

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managing volunteers at events

How Do Comedians Write Jokes?

Writing a good joke is a genuine art form. The idea that a joke just springs into being, conjured from…

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how comedians write jokes

How to Increase Event Attendance

Planning an event takes money, time and effort. And most likely blood, sweat and tears too. Even then it’s not…

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increasing event attendance

Theatre Funding: Complete Guide

From watching Shakespeare on the floor of the Globe Theatre to capturing new fringe theatre in the back room of…

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Theatre funding uk

Summer Schools: How to Run Summer Courses

Summer schools are a fantastic way for students of all ages to develop relevant skills in a stimulating environment and…

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Summer school

How to Organise a Conference

The best conferences inspire delegates with engaging presentations and excellent networking opportunities, generating a buzz around new ideas and bring…

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Organising a Conference

Event Technology: A Guide

In recent years, we have seen technology progress at a remarkable rate within the events industry. The general shift is…

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Event technology

Event Apps: The Complete Guide

  We live in a world increasingly dominated by mobile technology, where mobile devices are always at hand to enhance…

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mobile event apps smartphone

How to Organise An Awards Ceremony

  Award ceremonies are becoming increasing popular across all industries, celebrating achievement in every field from business to fashion, technology…

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Russian Culture in London

For the hundreds of thousands of Russians in London, cultural events are hugely important. It allows those that have lived…

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russian theatre venue in london

How to Organise A Secret Event

  With a tendency to reveal more and more across a whole host of social media channels, it seems that…

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organising secret events London

How to Keep Costs Down When Organising a Charity Event

  When it comes to organising a charity event much of what you do is dictated by budget. With charity…

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Credit card for charity event london

12 Greatest London Comedy Gigs

For a cliche, ‘laughter is the best medicine’ actually holds a good deal of truth. The best comedians make us see the…

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London's best comedy performances

Presenting Tips – What Bob Dylan Can Teach Us

Robert Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan is a bit of a marmite character. Whether you love or hate him, at 80…

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bob dylan presenting live

Organising NHS Events and Healthcare Conferences

Running high-quality events is key to the overall success of the NHS. These events need to attract the right people, engage…

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NHS conferences UK

Rubik’s Cube Facts

Back in 1974, Hungarian professor of design Ernő Rubik invented a simple cube – the rest as they say is…

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dismantled Rubiks cube facts

20 Bedford Way Event Venue Cards

Take a trip down memory lane with our event venue cards! These retro-inspired cards give you all of the topline information…

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playing cards event space

Organising a Business Networking Event

  PMO Flashmobber Lindsay Scott recently held a business networking event at 20 Bedford Way. In our latest blog, she writes…

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business networking heads london